June 11, 2020 Mulberries w/ Eliza Greenman & Taylor Malone


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In this episode of Propaganda By The Seed we talk with Eliza Greenman & Taylor Malone of the North American Fruit Explorers. We talk about Mulberries, their history , how to propagate them and the work they’ve done to uncover rare cultivars such as the Hicks Everbearing Mulberry. Mulberry leaves are surprisingly high in protein and an 8 year old tree can produce up to a quart of berries a day, making them one of the most prolific fruit bearers around. This episode covers a lot of ground, from the usage of mulberries in silvopasture (in conjunction with pigs or goats) to some of the more interesting things people do with them around the world. If you like this episode, you’ll probably like Eliza and Taylor’s Podcast, keep a eye on their facebook page to see when that comes out.

May 28, 2020 Breeding Perennial Kale w/ Chris Homanics


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Today on Propaganda by the Seed we chat with Chris Homanics.  Chris is an freelance plant breeder /organizer   based out of the Pacific Northwest.  This conversation is mostly about Chris’ Homesteader's Kaleidoscopic Perennial Kale Grex; how he created it, some methods for adapting it and many of the other possibilities for breeding Brassica Oleracea. 

We also talk about bamboo, Sea Kale some recent history of the perennial veggie movement and his work with the Agrarian Sharing Network. 


May 14, 2020 Yam on the Food Forest Network & Indian Bayou Food Forest


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In this episode of Propaganda by the Seed we talk with Sweet Potato from The Food Forest Network. The Food Forest Network is a loose network of people sharing resources and developing food autonomy programs utilizing food forestry. Sweet Potato, AKA Yam currently resides at the Indian Bayou Food Forest, which was built in the direct path of the Line 6 pipeline to halt its construction. We talk about growing in the bayou, and geeked out on the extreme differences about its climate. Yam talks about their favorite food and polycultures to grow, such as Moringa, Banana Trees, Figs, Okra, and much more. Highly informative and fun conversation.

May 7, 2020 Ground Nuts, Decolonizing Food & Controlled Burns w Zach Elfers


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In this episode of Propaganda By The Seed we talk with Zach Elfers, mostly about ground nut (apios americana), a north american native root crop and legume that has 3 times the protein content of potatoes.  Zach talks about the long history of indigenous use of ground nut as a staple crop in so called North America.  We also discuss how to cultivate them, where they are found, and its uses.   Zach also goes in depth about controlled burns, their usage by indigenous peoples and some applications for them to maintain land and build soil fertility.  For more information on Zach visit the nomad seed project and to learn more about the history of ground nuts check out this piece Zach wrote in 2019.  

To purchase Groundnut tubers from Edgewood Nursery click HERE

To get 10% off your Edgewood Nursery order visit edgwood-nursery.com and enter Solecast at check out and/or support The Solecast on patreon.  

Apios americana.JPG

April 23: Good Time To Plant a Garden II "Soil, Water, Sun"


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This episode of propaganda by the Seed is a follow up to “It's a Good Time To Plant a Garden."  

In this episode we cover:  

Seed starting / hardening off of plants 

Good crops for low light / urban environments 

Growing in containers / small spaces 

Pest control Creating/maintaining healthy soil

Many of these topics are attempts to answer listeners questions, if you would like to see more episodes like this please let us know and submit questions for future episodes by emailing Tim and/or Aaron.

April 2, 2020: The Cooperative Farming Commission w/ Joseph Lofthouse


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In today’s episode of Propaganda By The Seed we chat with Joseph Lofthouse about the Cooperative Gardens Commission (formerly Coronavirus Victory Gardens Commission).  We talk about how to get involved with the Cooperative Gardens Commission and what they’re doing to link experienced farmers, up with new growers and people with access to land to build up local food production.   Joseph is also a plant breeder who creates one-of-a-kind seeds he sells through the Experimental Farming Network.  We talk about his approach to creating landrace crops and the importance of saving seeds.  

For more info on the cooperative Gardens Commission go to: https://www.CoopGardens.org

You can support Joseph's work by buying his seeds at https://store.experimentalfarmnetwork.org/collections/lofthouse

Music: "Like Weeds" by His Hero Is Gone

March 26, 2020: "Its a Good Time To Plant a Garden"


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In today’s episode of Propaganda By The Seed we wanted to do a basic gardening episode to get people growing in these dark times.  Considering that this year is already full of uncertainty and chaos learning to grow food can only be a positive thing.  In this episode we talk about the basics of starting plants from seed, preparing a bed using sheet mulching,getting the plants in the ground, using compost to produce healthy plants and obtaining the things you need to get the whole project off the ground.   We also talk about using cold frames and low tunnels for season extension and discuss some of our favorite perennial plants to grow.  There is lots of information for new growers and experienced growers  To follow this episode up, if people have questions we’ll be hosting a live Q&A on jitsi on Monday, March 30th 2020, 7PM EST here. or you can call in at +1.512.402.2718 by using the PIN: 1841 3907 91. Jitsi works without much effort in most browsers. Smartphones need a simple app, which you will be prompted to download if you click the join link. If you want to call in from a international voice phone click here for call in info.

In this episode we mention the planting specifications from the Fedco Catalogue, you can view it here or check out the interactive version of the vegetable seed chart here.  

To support this project you can pick up seeds, trees and plants from Edgewood Nursery or support sole on patreon.  

Music: His Hero is Gone : "Like Weeds"

February 6, 2020 Propaganda By The Seed: Elderberry (Culinary & Medicinal Uses)


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In this episode we talk about Elderberry (Sambucus species) .  Thier most commonly used today today to make a powerful herbal medicine.  We talk about how to identify them for foraging and how to propagate and cultivate Elderberry shrubs.  We discuss Elderberries' use throughout history to make everything from musical instruments to salves. With many uses, ease of cultivation and a native range covering the lower 48 states and most of Canada, Sabucus nigra is a species that will find a place in almost any garden.

This episode is sponsored by Edgewood Nursery, producing unusual edible plants in a regenerative permaculture system in so called Falmouth, Maine. Check out our online storefront at https://edgewood-nursery.com/shop and use the code "SOLECAST" at checkout for 10% off your order.

January 9, 2020 Plant of the Month : "Stinging Nettle" w/ Aaron Parker of Edgewood Nursery

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In this episode of the Solecast “plant of the month” series we will be talking about Stinging Nettle. While hated by many, Nettles are highly valuable to those that can appreciate their many positive attributes.  Stinging Nettle is an herbaceous perennial that is found all over the world.  They have been used throughout history as a medicine, a food source, for fiber, cordage and ceremonies.  We talk about how they grow, how to propagate them, how to cook with the leaves and some of their other uses.  For some nettle photos checkout the Edgewood Nursery instagram. Outro Music “Like Weeds” by Yacht Communism (cover of His Hero Is Gone)

December 5, 2019 New Series!!! Plant Of The Month Podcast w/ Aaron Parker. Our First Plant: Turkish Rocket


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Psyched to unveil “Plant of the Month…” A new podcast series w/ Aaron Parker of Edgewood Nursery focusing on perennial vegetables / unusual plants. For our first episode we’re gonna talk about Bunias Orientalis aka Turkish Rocket. Turkish Rocket is a perennial vegetable often used in forest gardens that produces small edible broccoli raab like flower buds and arugula/cabbage tasting leaves. Aaron sells viable seeds here.

We also discuss Actinidia polygama aka “Silvervine Kiwi” which can also be purchased direct from Edgewood Nursery here.


May 23, 2019 Food Autonomy: Around The World in 80 Plants w/ Stephen Barstow


Note: Before we started Propaganda by the Seed, I was once a guest co-host on The Solecast. -Aaron

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This episode of the Solecast I sit down with Stephen Barstow, aka The Extreme Salad Man to talk about his work documenting and popularizing rare edible plants. We are also joined by Aaron Parker from Edgewood Nursery who introduced me to Stephen's work and also grows and sells a lot of these plants.

In this conversation we talk about his book "Around the World In 80 Plants," his website Edimentals.com and his lifelong quest to research, catalogue, grow and experiment with thousands of rare edible plants from around the world. We get into his origin story as a vegetarian in meat-centric Norway uncovering the growing potentials in his region through foraging. He talks about his travels around the world learning about how these plants are grown, used and then bringing those plants home to cultivate. For anyone who is bored with growing the same old shit, or interested in permaculture/forest farming his work is inspiring, informative and coverers a much wider range of vegetables then are commonly discussed in permaculture and market farming.

Pick up his book "Around The World In 80 Plants" direct from Stephen and check out his website Edimentals.com

My guest co-host for this interview, Aaron from Edgewood Nursery sells a lot of the plants and seeds for the perennial plants that Stephen promotes, check out his website at Edgewood-Nursery.com.


January 24, 2019 Food Autonomy w/ Aaron Parker on on "Unusual" Trees, Tree Care & Creating Polycultures For Food Forests

Note: Before we started Propaganda by the Seed, I was a guest on the Solecast a few times, this is one of those episodes. -Aaron

Apple Podcasts Link - Stitcher Link - Spotify Link

On this episode of the Solecast I talk with Aaron Parker of Edgewood Nurseries about some unusual edible trees to use in your backyard garden, orchard or food forest. We get in depth about tree care, disease resistance, picking which species of trees to grow in your area and how to propagate them. This is a long interview, he answers some audience questions about growing fruit trees, controlling pests and dealing with water distribution. He also lays out his approach to creating polycultures of mutually beneficial plants for trees. This is the second time Aaron has been on the Solecast, last time we talked about perennial veggies. To order some seeds, trees or plants hit him up at Edgewood Nursery Online Store and follow him on the gram.

In this episode I premiere a mellow new track “Measuring My Cage” from my upcoming album Destituent, that is available for pre-order here.

August 14, 2018 Solecast: Food Forestry & Perennial Vegetables w/ Aaron Parker of Edgewood Nursery

Note: Before we started Propaganda by the Seed, I was a guest on the Solecast a couple times, this is one of those episodes. -Aaron

Apple Podcasts Link - Stitcher Link - Spotify Link

in this episode of The Solecast I talk with Aaron Parker of Edgewood Nursery.  Aaron is a self-taught Horticulturist, Food forest designer and lover of Perennial Vegetables.  We talk about food forest concepts and he breaks down some of his favorite perennial foods to grow & eat.    We also discuss his work with Mt Joy in Portland, Maine,  a free public orchard and food forest on the Eastern Promenade.  Throughout this conversation we discuss some of the challenges of perennial vegetables, the health benefits and the history of pre-Columbian Americas as some of the largest food forest/agro-forestry projects in human history.    

For more information on his work, or to buy some insane rare perennial plants from him check out his website or instagram