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Edgewood Nursery- Online Shop

Garlic (Allium sativum) Bulbil "Seed" Packets - 3 Variety and a Mix

from $3.50

These bulbils can be planted on the soil surface in spring, in one season they will grow into one very large clove called a round, in a second year they will grow into a regular head. They can be grown in rows as garlic is typically grown, or in a polyculture as a perennial.

The type of Garlic (Allium sativum) that is grown around here is called Hard Neck Garlic, which means the base of the stem where is connect to the head is hard and fibrous. This type of garlic also has a interesting quirk of producing a flower scape, but typically no seeds. Instead of seed these scapes produce a bunch of small asexual reproductive structures called bulbils. Since the bulbils are asexual they are handy for reproducing the parent plant exactly, but if you wanted to create new garlic varieties you could try opening the immature scapes as they start to turn upright and carefully removing the developing bulbils, there are usually some true flowers in there too, and given a little room they can produce some true seed. Even people who have grown garlic before may have never seen the bulbils or flowers because the scapes are usually cut off when quite young, so the energy that would have been used to grow them can go towards a larger head of garlic cloves. Some people prefer to let the bulbils grow and scatter them around to have semi-cultivated garlic in the garden, these tend to be a bit smaller then garlic heads grown in the typical rows, but they take very little care or space and can be a good companion plant. Some people even claim they deter Plum Curcullio (Conotrachelus nenuphar), which is a very annoying pest on many fruit trees (esp stone fruit)

4 Variety Mix - A packet contains 1 tsp, 60+ bulbils from 4 varieties of Garlic, ‘Metichi’, ‘Georgian Crystal’, ‘Music’, and Probably ‘German Extra Hardy’ (probably because these are volunteer garlics in a area where that variety had previously been grown)

'Georgian Crystal' is a porcelain type hard neck Garlic with large tasty cloves. These bulbils can be planted on the soil surface in spring, in one season they will grow into one very large clove called a round, in a second year they will grow into a regular head. They can be grown in rows as garlic is typically grown, or in a polyculture as a perennial. A packet contains ~35+ bulbils.

“Metichi” is a hard neck Garlic suitable for growing as a perennial. These bulbils can be planted on the soil surface in spring, in one season they will grow into one very large clove called a round, in a second year they will grow into a regular head. They can be grown in rows as garlic is typically grown, or in a polyculture as a perennial. A packet contains 1/2 tsp of bulbils, ~25 bulbils.

“Music” - a Porcelain type brought from Italy in the 1980s by Al Music. Known for being a particularly hardy and productive variety.

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