Blight Resistant Tomatoes 'Phil', 'Shanne', and 'Christoph' (Solanum lycopersicum) Seeds
The varieties 'Phil', 'Shanne', and 'Christoph' are all separate dehybridizations of ‘Crimson Crush’ created by 3 seed savers. Each selected for different attributes and each strain is a bit different. All are still fairly unstable and show a wide variety of forms and degrees of blight resistance. All varieties survived to the killing freeze with no blight mitigation strategies. Christoph seemed to have the best blight resistance, but Phil was the highest producer despite damage from blight, Shanne had a balance between productivity and blight resistance . All varieties produced medium to large fruits with nice bright red color and good tomato flavor. By growing these out and saving seeds from your favorite plants you could fairly quickly develop your own new variety of blight resistant tomato for your regional growing conditions, or keep the existing variety name and continue with the community work of open source seed development.