'Chinese' Woodland Sunflower (Helianthus strumosus) Tubers or Plant
Tuber - 2 smallish or medium tubers.
Plant - The contents of a 1 gallon pot, several stems with a few tubers. Tops may be cut back for shipping.
Despite the cultivar name “Chinese” this relative of the Sunchoke is actually native to the eastern half of (so called) North America. These lovely plants produce large-leafed plants loaded with beautiful sunflowers in early fall, producing food for native pollinators late until the frost. After the frost you can dig the tubers, which are larger and smoother then Sunchokes. The tubers resemble sunchokes, but seem to cook up a bit fast and have mild, slightly sweet taste. Fried in butter I thought they resembled fried plantain. One downside I have noticed, the tubers aren’t as tightly clustered as sunchokes, so you have to work harder to dig them. I am unsure of how aggressive of spreaders these plants are, I suspect they will be similar to sunchokes.