Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) Seed or Plants
Seed packet contains 1 tsp, ~60 seeds, Local Ecotype
Plants are medium, 1-2 years old, CA ecotype
These are local ecotype seeds grown at Edgewood Nursery, original stock came from a wild population in Cumberland County, Maine.
This giant (often over 7’ tall) member of the Apiaceae not only offers a beautiful display of large white umbel shaped flowers but several edible parts, although these require special preparation. Like many members of this family this plant has phototoxic sap, meaning if you get it on your skin and then are exposed to UV light it will burn your skin. So proceed with caution when harvesting . Maine native.
Prefers damp soil and full sun, but does fine in most soil condition and tolerates part shade. For best germination soak seed in room temp water for 3 days, changing water daily. After soaking, plant outdoors in the fall or cold stratify for 100+ days. Hardy to zone 3.