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Edgewood Nursery- Online Shop

Hazelnut (Corylus spp.) Plant - Seedlings of known lineages


1 seedling plant, 6-12’” tall. These are all seedlings, they might not carry all their parents traits.

Mixed Hybrids - Grown from the most productive Hazels at Edgewood Nursery these should be well adapted to the climate and EFB resistant, with a variety of nut sizes and shapes.

‘Yamhill’ x OP - Hybrid with mostly Corylus avellana genetics. Bred and selected by OSU. Shrubby form with high yield of large nuts. Should have good EFB resistance.

Ashworth Bantam - Hybrid, high yielding med to large nut

Bonsall D1 American - A selection from Will Bonsall’s planting at Khadighar Farm in Industry, Maine. Large yields of small, but intensely flavored nuts.

These vigorous, shrub form hazels should yield high quantities of nuts. Both parents are eastern filbert blight resistant, so these will hopefully be as well, although there is no guarantee. They will tolerate part shade and damp soil, but yield best in full sun and well drained soil. Some insect and disease pressure, but squirrels are the largest problem to home hazelnut production. 2 required for pollination, they are wind pollinated so planting close (18” - 8’) is a good idea.

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