Illinois Bundle Flower (Desmanthus illinoensis) Plant or Seed Packet
A packet contains 1/4 teaspoon of seed, ~240 seeds.
Plant - well established 2 year old seedling, blooming size.
This perennial nitrogen fixer from the mid-west has gorgeous mimosa like foliage and really neat looking seed pods suitable for winter flower arrangements. The seeds are edible with high protein content, but so small that they aren’t really a worthwhile crop without further breeding work. Potential medicinal uses. Full sun. Scarify seeds or use hot water soak before planting. Zone 4 hardy.
Hot water soak is a quick and easy way to deal with the hard and/or oily seed coat of some seeds, especially Illinois Bundleflower and Honey Locust. The method i use is to place seeds in a heat resistant container (like a mason jar), bring some water to a boil, wait until it stops bubbling, then pour the water over the seeds. Allow to sit at room temperature for 24 hrs, then plant.