Listo 1620 Grease pencil with Black, White and/or Orange refills, best garden/nursery marking tool.
Choose a option:
Package A: 1 refillable grease pencil loaded with a black grease stick + 3 white and 2 black grease refills.
Package B: 1 Refillable grease pencil loaded orange grease + 5 orange refills
Package C: 3 Refillable grease pencils one each black, white and orange + 5 refills of each color
I’m a big fan of the Listo 1620 grease pencil. I use it for basically all of my short term (ie years, not decades) nursery marking. It will write on any surface, even a wet one and lasts a couple years outdoors. Not only that, but it’s cheap and refillable! This is one of those tools that is on my person through the whole growing season. If you want to be able to mark on light and dark surfaces, you can use separate black/white pencils or use orange, which marks pretty well on all non-orange surfaces.
It’s also easily removed to reuse things like nursery trays. The best way to remove grease pencil from pots / trays is using a damp piece of cardboard and some mineral heavy soil. Whatever dirt is at hand is fine. Rub it down with some mud, hose it off and you are ready to mark again. As a bonus this roughs up the surface and grease pencils writes better on it.