Helianthus tuberosus Nadhodka bloom.jpg
Edgewood Nursery- Online Shop

Sunchoke/Terrasol/Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) Tubers - 5 Cultivars

from $4.00

Each order is 2 small or medium tubers.

Terrasols / Sunchokes / Jerusalem Artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus). If you aren’t familiar with this plant, they are a perennial sunflower, native to (so called) North America. Originally bred and cultivated by several groups of Indigenous people on this continent they have also been bred and cultivated in Russia in the more recent past. Tubers can be eaten raw, roasted, fermented, dried and have a different mild flavor each way. The tubers contain lots of inulin, making them a good prebiotic and a useful food for diabetics (because of their low glycemic index). Their effectiveness as a prebiotic (food for intestinal flora) is related to the effects they have on some people, giving them the humorous common name “fartichokes”. These plants are aggressive and not well suited to the veggie garden, but do wonderfully on the edge of a ditch or in some sunny corner where they can take over a area without getting in the way. They can also be grown in pots, yielding as much as 4lbs of tubers for a 5 gallon pot. A single plant in ideal conditions can yield as much as 12 lbs, but yields of 1-2lbs/sq foot are more typical.

Cluster' Terrasol (Helianthus spp.) - This one is a bit of a mystery, I think they are a chance seedling of ‘Chinese’ Woodland Sunflower, possibly a hybrid of Helianthus strumosus and H. tuberosus… but I’m really not sure, they just popped up out of nowhere. Wherever they came from, the tubers are nearly spherical (very different the the spindle shaped tubers of ‘chinese’) and so tightly clustered they are a total breeze to dig. Highly productive.

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