"Persian Blue" Nigella (Nigella damascena) Seed Packet.
A packet contains ~200 seeds.
This easy to grow annual flower offers a pretty flower in season (commonly known as “love-in-a-mist”) followed by a decorative seed pod which goes very nicely in dried flower arrangements. (surprising no one) I’m most interested in the edible portion, which is this case is the seed, they have a fruity and pungent flavor and have been used in middle eastern, Indian and Polish cuisines.
Note on “Persian Blue”: I started off with “Persian Jewels Mix” which had blue, white and pink flowers… after a few years of self-seeding I was left with only blue flowers, hence “Persian Blue”
Sow in spring, barely cover seed. Starting early indoors is preferable in short season climates.
Grows best in full sun and rich soil, but tolerates part shade and weaker soil. Reliably self-seeds if some seed heads are left to drop their seeds, weed potential seems pretty low.