Walking Onion (Allium × proliferum) and Babington's Leek (Allium Ampeloprasum var Babingtonii) Plants or Bulbils
Walking Onion (Allium × proliferum)
Small Clump of Plants or packet of 10+ small bulbils
These fascinating perennial onions are easy to grow and tasty, I think they are best used as a green onion, but you can pull up the bulb as well. Instead of flowering these onions form small bulbs on top of the leaves, eventually the weight of these bulbils knocks the plant over and they “walk” around the garden. Very easy and low maintenance, prevent them from getting out of control by harvesting and eating!
Babington's Leek (Allium Ampeloprasum var Babingtonii)
Babington's Leek is a perennial leek, reproduced by top set bulbils. They grow wild (or perhaps feral) in in Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands and are uncommon in gardens in those areas. They seem to be pretty rare in North America and haven’t been particularly productive in my garden, but they did produce a decent set of bulbils this year, so I’m selling them if you want to give them a try. Please let me know how they grow for you! A packet contains 1 tsp, about 10 bulbils.