Plum (Prunus spp.) and Beach Plum (Prunus maritima) Scions - 4 Cultivars
10"+ long piece of dormant scion wood for grafting, Beach Plum scions may be as short as 6” and are very thin. Scions available at many diameters, if you want something particularly thick or thin please let me know. Most are around pencil thickness, but Beach Plum are thinner. I have excellent results grafting beach plum to hybrid plum branches using a bark graft.
‘Waneta ‘(Prunus salicina Apple x Prunus americana Terry)
This hybrid plum is my favorite for fresh eating, light purple skin and bright yellow flesh, wonderful flavor, very juicy. Clingstone. Medium size fruit. Ripens mid-summer.
"Dalton's American" Plum (Prunus americana ) This improved fruit selection of Prunus americana keeps all disease and pest resistance properties of the species but has really good fresh eating flavor, especially when fully ripe.
‘Premier’ Beach Plum (Prunus maritima) - Selected by Jesse Stevens from his many seedling plants in Sweden, Maine. Premier is the largest and most successful of the beach plums I have trialed so far. Large (for a beach plum) purple fruit with good flavor.
‘Early Purple’ Beach Plum (Prunus maritima) - Selected by Jesse Stevens from his many seedling plants in Sweden, Maine. Smaller than ‘Premier’, but otherwise pretty similar.