"Garfield Plantation" Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Seeds, Plants or Scions
Seed packet contain 1/8c seed, ~30 seeds.
Seedling - 2 year old seedling 6”+ tall
Scion - a 10” section of dormant twig used for grafting. Cherry scion tends to be quite small. These are roughly pencil thickness, maybe a bit smaller. If you want a particular diameter please let me know.
This pie cherry from Garfield Plantation is extremely hardy (zone 3), tastes great and produces like a champ. Seedlings grow easily and strong, but I have not personally grown any out to fruiting age, so I’m not sure what their fruit is like.
Keep seed cool and moist until March or later. Check for germination frequently and plant ASAP is germination begins. Starting in containers or nursery beds in spring are both good, protect from rodents.
Trees produce best in full sun on well drained soil. Space trees 15'+. Watch for brown rot in climates where that disease is common. Heavy pruning advised on established trees.