Northern Nuts and the genus Carya with Buzz Ferver

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In this episode we talk with Buzz Ferver of Perfect Circle Farm. Buzz has been doing a ton of great work preserving fruit and nut genetics at his farm in VT, as well as pushing the boundaries of what tree crops can be grown in zone 4 in the north-east. He shares a ton of practical knowledge about the genus Carya (Hickories, Pecans and their hybrids) as well as some fascinating history of nut cultivation in the last hundred years.


Buzz recommends these organizations and their archives:

Northern Nut Growers Association (FB)

North American Fruit Explorers (FB)

Indiana Nut and Fruit Growers Association (FB)

As well as these books:

Nut Growing, Ontario Style by John H. Gordon

Nut Growing by R. T. Morris

Nut Culture in North America edited by Richard Jaynes
