Spotted Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium maculatum) Seeds
These are local ecotype seeds/plants grown at Edgewood Nursery, originally collected from the banks of the Kennebec River in so called Chelsea, Maine.
Joe-Pye Weed is familiar to many, both in the wild and in the garden. This species also has a history of medicinal use, although they are less commonly used today. A beautiful clumping flower, they spread by rhizome at a medium rate and will self-sow in suitable conditions. They prefer damp soil and full sun and can get quite large in those conditions (7+ ft), in drier conditions or part-shade they are usually stay smaller, say about 5’ tall. A packet contains 1/4tsp, ~140 seeds.
Plant option is a bare root 1 year old seed propagated plant.
Surface sow in fall/winter or provide 30+ days of cold stratification. Click here for details.