Sweet cicely (Myrrhis odorata) Seed Packet or Plant
Packet contains ~ 17 seeds
Bulk seed packet contains 1/2 cup seed, approx 120 seeds.
This plant is amazingly adaptable, thriving in full sun all the way to full shade. My favorite harvest is the immature seeds, which taste like black jelly beans (so much so that my kid used to call them “candy flowers”), but the young foliage is also choice. The mature leaves are still edible, just a bit courser. The roots are also edible, often eaten roasted or boiled. Sweet Cecily has been used for a long time in western herbal medicine.
Expect slow and erratic germination. Best germination usually come from sowing seeds in late summer, with the expectation of germination in the spring. If sowing in winter/spring soak seeds in room temperature water for 24 hrs, then move to cold stratification for 30+ days before sowing. Germination may be helped by fluctuating temps, so starting in containers outdoors or direct sowing in fall are good tactics. For more info on stratification click here
Sweet Cicely is widely adaptable growing well in full sun to shade in most soil types. Weed potential is low in Maine, but potentially much higher elsewhere.